Video, 10 mins
Women in Circus
Putting women back in the spotlight
Part of International Women's Day
26 Mar 2020 12:00
This short film explores female circus artistes past and present. A unique soundtrack, rewriting the famous 19th century popular song The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze, accompanies the film, putting women back in the spotlight on the bar, highwire, aerial hoop, straps, silks and corde lisse.
Women in Circus presents an extraordinary cast of historic and contemporary women, from 19th century tightrope walkers to today’s ringmistresses. It features, in live performance, the most daring Yasmine Smart, the most astonishing Nell Gifford, the most talented Rebecca Truman, the most clever Dr Dea Birkett and the one and only Professor Vanessa Toulmin.
The Film
- Professor Vanessa Toulmin, Director of City and Culture at the University of Sheffield
- Dr Dea Birkett
- Yasmine Smart, Equestrienne, Animal Trainer
- Nell Gifford, Founder of Giffords Circus
- Rebecca Truman, Founder of Skinning the Cat - Circus of the Sky