3d Illustration structure of the graphene tube
Podcast, 9 days

Episode 7 - Unlocking Sample Testing

In this episode Lewis, alongside student co-host Lucy Farquhar, discuss sample testing with expert Prof. Russell Goodall.

In this episode Lewis, alongside student co-host Lucy Farquhar, discuss sample testing with expert Prof. Russell Goodall.

Lucy researches the development of refractory high entropy alloys for additive manufacturing. She's a runner and plays netball a lot, aswel as being an avid baker. Asking her to choose a favourite cake is like asking a parent to pick their favourite child!

Russel spends his time at work studying metals and thinks that the periodic table is the best map ever created. Outside of work he likes the more normal kinds of maps and trying to persuade his children to go on walks. He likes exploring unknown alloys - combinations of different elements in the periodic table - with the aim of finding unusual (and hopefully useful) behaviours. His favourite true cake is a Victoria Sponge, but if there is millionaire's shortbread, he'd choose that.

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