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Podcast, 30 mins

Episode 2: Hopes and Aspirations

In this episode, we’re focused on exploring the hopes and aspirations of our doctoral researchers in using participatory research in their projects and thinking about research in the future.



This podcast has been produced by Kitty Turner.

We would like to extend a special thank you to our guest speakers in the podcast series, Kaltum O Rivers, Danica JM Darley and Bryony J Vince in addition to the project team led by Dr Kirsty Liddiard, Dr Lauren White and Ankita Mishra.

This project would not have been possible without the contributions of our brilliant doctoral researchers, Andrew R Belfield, Beverley D Thomas, Bryony J Vince, Danica JM Darley, Elena M Simon, Franco Ho, Kaltum O Rivers, Myra Mufti, Palwasha Amanullah, Philip Draper, Pragya Roy, Sally Thomas, Sheli Smith, Siyi Wang, Sophie Phillips, Tessa E Sawyer, Victoria AR Gale, Victoria Worthington, Ziyad Mohammed O Basahal.

This project has been supported by The University of Sheffield Research Cultures Funding and is part of the Participatory Research Network. To find out more, you can visit our website or follow us on twitter @prntuos.


See also