A leaflet titled 'Challenging sexual harassment in low paid and precarious hospitality work' on a desk
Event, 2 hrs

Zero Tolerance Now!

A public debate on ending workplace sexual harassment

At The Showroom, Showroom 5, Paternoster Row, Sheffield S1 2BX

What does a Zero Tolerance workplace look like? Every year, at least a ⅓ of all UK workers experience sexual harassment at work. From October, there will be a mandatory duty on employers to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. But what will this look like? We already know that workers on zero-hour, part-time and insecure contracts are more vulnerable to sexual harassment and less able to report and challenge it. How do we prevent it from happening in the first place?

Join Dr Ruth Beresford for a panel discussion with Sarah Woolley (General Secretary of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union) and others, and a public debate on ending workplace sexual harassment. Workers, trade unionists and all members of the public are invited to get involved and have their say.

Led by Dr Ruth Beresford, Sheffield Hallam University

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